Helio Ocean Graffiti Hotness

Helio Ocean Graffiti Hotness – I’m a Sidekick 3 fanboy through and through, but Helio is definitely making its case. I’ve had an Ocean for a few weeks now and I’ll admit that I love it. The GPS feature is hot and it definitely helps me out when I manage to get lost in NYC. I came across some really cool vids that Helio has put up on Youtube and I thought I’d share it with everyone. This particular video is of STASH and his ongoing mural for the Ocean on the Upper West Side of NYC. Not only is the art hot, but the music by Lady Tigra will rock you out. Check out all the other Helio vids here. [CrunchGear]
Helio Ocean Graffiti Hotness

I’m a Sidekick 3 fanboy through and through, but Helio is definitely making its case. I’ve had an Ocean for a few weeks now and I’ll admit that I love it. The GPS feature is hot and it definitely helps me out when I manage to get lost in NYC. I came across some really cool vids that Helio has put up on Youtube and I thought I’d share it with everyone. This particular video is of STASH and his ongoing mural for the Ocean on the Upper West Side of NYC. Not only is the art hot, but the music by Lady Tigra will rock you out. Check out all the other Helio vids here.


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BetterAWstats 0.12 ALPHA (Default branch)

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License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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