Seagate unveils turmoil-proof EE25.2 hard drive

Seagate unveils turmoil-proof EE25.2 hard drive – As if stuffing a quarter terabyte onto a single Barracuda platter and finally matching Hitachi in the 1TB realm weren’t enough to gloat about, Seagate is now unveiling a hard drive aimed squarely at those reading this from the Amazon Rainforest (or a vanilla construction area, but you understand). The second-generation SATA EE25 drive — easily dubbed the EE25.2 — is available in sizes up to 80GB and can handle extreme temperatures, sensational heights, ’round the clock operation, 90-percent humidity, and drops / shocks that would likely put you out of commission before your data. No word yet on pricing nor availability, but don’t expect 80 gigabytes of nearly indestructible storage to come without a premium.   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
Seagate unveils turmoil-proof EE25.2 hard driveAs if stuffing a quarter terabyte onto a single Barracuda platter and finally matching Hitachi in the 1TB realm weren’t enough to gloat about, Seagate is now unveiling a hard drive aimed squarely at those reading this from the Amazon Rainforest (or a vanilla construction area, but you understand). The second-generation SATA EE25 drive — easily dubbed the EE25.2 — is available in sizes up to 80GB and can handle extreme temperatures, sensational heights, ’round the clock operation, 90-percent humidity, and drops / shocks that would likely put you out of commission before your data. No word yet on pricing nor availability, but don’t expect 80 gigabytes of nearly indestructible storage to come without a premium.


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


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LG to supply TV converters for US government program

Very interesting, no more analog TV channles. I wonder if Canada will follow suit.
LG to supply TV converters for US government program - For some, February 17, 2009 is going to be a frustrating day, as it marks the end of the line for American analog television broadcasts. Those with old-school wood-paneled TVs are going to either need to go out and buy a new set or purchase a converter box to be able to view the new digital channels. If I wasn’t already gadget-obsessed, I’d be mad as hell if someone forced me to upgrade my TV and I’d be even more furious once I found out how much it was going to cost me. Luckily, your trusty National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)has a solution.
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