WoW Sparks Family Dispute

WoW Sparks Family Dispute – – Watch more free videos If you’re planning on having children some day then I highly suggest you listen to this audio track. I don’t feel the need to explain what’s going on other than the fact that the brat was playing WoW and his parents wanted him to stop. Oh and be sure to turn your mic off or you’ll be ridiculed for the rest of your life and live infamously on the interwebs. Enjoy! [CrunchGear]
WoW Sparks Family Dispute

If you’re planning on having children some day then I highly suggest you listen to this audio track. I don’t feel the need to explain what’s going on other than the fact that the brat was playing WoW and his parents wanted him to stop. Oh and be sure to turn your mic off or you’ll be ridiculed for the rest of your life and live infamously on the interwebs. Enjoy!


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