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Flock 0.9 lands gracefully

I remember first hearing about flock. I actually got a version of it when it was just skinned to look different than FireFox. I didn't expect the project to get this far. Give it a wirl, looks to be promising.
Flock 0.9 lands gracefully -

The Flock project has been building a "social Web browser" since 2005. The upcoming Flock 0.9 release adds new blogging features, integrates media streams into the browser, and includes an overhaul of the Flock bookmark system. It's not perfect yet, but Flock 0.9 is a big leap forward.

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BalanceNG 1.885 (Default branch)

BalanceNG 1.885 (Default branch) - BalanceNG is a modern software IP load balancing solution. It is small, fast, and easy to use and setup. It offers session persistence, different distribution methods (Round Robin, Random, Weighted Random, Least Session, Least Bandwidth, Hash, Agent, and Randomized Agent) and a customizable UDP health check agent in source code. It supports VRRP to set up high availability configurations on multiple nodes. It supports SNMP, integrating the BALANCENG-MIB with Net-SNMPD. It integrates pcap packet dumping for debugging purposes and allows the implementation of a "transparent forensic logging bridge".
License: Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
A bug in the command communication between the frontend and backend has been fixed. Upgrading is recommended if non-interactive programs are being used to pipe commands into "bng control" or "bng auxctl".
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Whaddya mean WalMart is sold out of Telekinesis Helmets®, Mommy?

Whaddya mean WalMart is sold out of Telekinesis Helmets®, Mommy? - The latest fashion in mindwear Hitachi: Move the Train With Your Brain The “brain-machine interface” developed by Hitachi Inc. analyzes slight changes in the brain’s blood flow and translates brain motion into electric signals. A cap connects by optical fibers to a mapping device, which links, in turn, to a toy train set via a control computer and [...] [Dvorak]
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Google May Close Gmail Germany Over Privacy Law

Google May Close Gmail Germany Over Privacy Law - Matt writes "Google is threatening to shut down the German version of its Gmail service if the German Bundestag passes it's new Internet surveillance law. Peter Fleischer, Google's German privacy representative says the new law would be a severe blow against privacy and would go against Google's practice of also offering anonymous e-mail accounts. If the law is passed then starting 2008, any connection data concerning the internet, phone calls (With position data when cell phones are used), SMS etc. of any German citizen will be saved for 6 months, anonymizing services like Tor will be made illegal."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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