ISPs Inserting Ads Into Your Pages

ISPs Inserting Ads Into Your Pages – TheWoozle writes “Some ISPs are resorting to a new tactic to increase revenue: inserting advertisements into web pages requested by their end users. They use a transparent web proxy (such as this one) to insert javascript and/or HTML with the ads into pages returned to users. Neither the content provides nor the end-users have been notified that this is taking place, and I’m sure that they weren’t asked for permission either.” Read more of this story at Slashdot. [Slasdot]
ISPs Inserting Ads Into Your PagesTheWoozle writes “Some ISPs are resorting to a new tactic to increase revenue: inserting advertisements into web pages requested by their end users. They use a transparent web proxy (such as this one) to insert javascript and/or HTML with the ads into pages returned to users. Neither the content provides nor the end-users have been notified that this is taking place, and I’m sure that they weren’t asked for permission either.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


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DIY: Make a laptop sleeve with a FedEx envelope - diyfedexlapsleeve.jpg

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AMA to Vote on Whether or Not Video Game/Internet Addiction is a Real Medical Condition -


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AMA to vote on “internet/video-game addiction” as medical condition [South Florida Sun-Sentinel via Drudge]

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