Apple passes Amazon to become the #3 US music retailer

Apple passes Amazon to become the #3 US music retailer – Filed under: Portable Audio, Portable Video Things must seem pretty rosy in Cupertino — just a week before the mega-hyped launch of you-know-what, market research group NPD’s quarterly survey shows Apple has passed Amazon to become the third biggest music retailer in the US. This isn’t the biggest of surprises, since Steve himself predicted that the iTunes Store would overtake Amazon at the Showtime event back in September, but the leap to #3 is a little unexpected, since Apple also outpaced Target last quarter. iTunes is now rocking a 10% market share, just behind Wal-Mart at 16% and Best Buy at 14%, and while we don’t expect to see it pass those two giants anytime soon, we’d bet that uptick in DRM-free sales has got the iTMS crew at Apple licking their chops.   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
Apple passes Amazon to become the #3 US music retailer

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Things must seem pretty rosy in Cupertino — just a week before the mega-hyped launch of you-know-what, market research group NPD’s quarterly survey shows Apple has passed Amazon to become the third biggest music retailer in the US. This isn’t the biggest of surprises, since Steve himself predicted that the iTunes Store would overtake Amazon at the Showtime event back in September, but the leap to #3 is a little unexpected, since Apple also outpaced Target last quarter. iTunes is now rocking a 10% market share, just behind Wal-Mart at 16% and Best Buy at 14%, and while we don’t expect to see it pass those two giants anytime soon, we’d bet that uptick in DRM-free sales has got the iTMS crew at Apple licking their chops.


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


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Google May Close Gmail Germany Over Privacy Law - Matt writes "Google is threatening to shut down the German version of its Gmail service if the German Bundestag passes it's new Internet surveillance law. Peter Fleischer, Google's German privacy representative says the new law would be a severe blow against privacy and would go against Google's practice of also offering anonymous e-mail accounts. If the law is passed then starting 2008, any connection data concerning the internet, phone calls (With position data when cell phones are used), SMS etc. of any German citizen will be saved for 6 months, anonymizing services like Tor will be made illegal."

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