Jet packs for sale! Life insurance sold separately

Jet packs for sale! Life insurance sold separately – Filed under: Transportation, Wearables It looks like those still bemoaning the lack of readily-available jet packs can now finally get a (brief) taste of the 21st century they once envisioned, as Popular Mechanics reports that two different wearable flying contraptions are now available for sale. Coming from Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana and Jetpack International, the jet packs will each give you about 30 seconds of flight time, with Jetpack International’s model boasting a slight advantage in speed, topping out at 70 mph. Somewhat reassuringly, each also come complete with the necessary flight training, although we wouldn’t expect any less given the $250,000 and $155,000 price tags. Those that take the plunge may be suffering from some buyer’s remorse before too long, however, as Jetpack International is reportedly working on a new model that’ll give you a full 19 minutes of flight time.   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
Jet packs for sale! Life insurance sold separately

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It looks like those still bemoaning the lack of readily-available jet packs can now finally get a (brief) taste of the 21st century they once envisioned, as Popular Mechanics reports that two different wearable flying contraptions are now available for sale. Coming from Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana and Jetpack International, the jet packs will each give you about 30 seconds of flight time, with Jetpack International’s model boasting a slight advantage in speed, topping out at 70 mph. Somewhat reassuringly, each also come complete with the necessary flight training, although we wouldn’t expect any less given the $250,000 and $155,000 price tags. Those that take the plunge may be suffering from some buyer’s remorse before too long, however, as Jetpack International is reportedly working on a new model that’ll give you a full 19 minutes of flight time.


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


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