Microsoft Office Roundtable reviewed

Microsoft Office Roundtable reviewed – Filed under: Misc. Gadgets The good people over at TMCnet want to keep you covered with their lengthy review of Redmond’s five-camera foray into the teleconferencing game, which, as part of Microsoft’s Unified Communications Platform, will probably be seeing a lot of action this year. And what are their feelings? Well, they get stoked on its resemblance to the ships in the 1953 version of War of the Worlds, dig the “head-size spatial equalization” (which makes everyone’s head the same size, seriously), and think that maybe $3000 is a fair price. The only thing they weren’t quite as excited about was the inability to use the panoramic features with non-Ballmerware, but even that appears to be a minor complaint. Still not sure you need one for your startup? Maybe you’d better read the whole thing.   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
Microsoft Office Roundtable reviewed

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The good people over at TMCnet want to keep you covered with their lengthy review of Redmond’s five-camera foray into the teleconferencing game, which, as part of Microsoft’s Unified Communications Platform, will probably be seeing a lot of action this year. And what are their feelings? Well, they get stoked on its resemblance to the ships in the 1953 version of War of the Worlds, dig the “head-size spatial equalization” (which makes everyone’s head the same size, seriously), and think that maybe $3000 is a fair price. The only thing they weren’t quite as excited about was the inability to use the panoramic features with non-Ballmerware, but even that appears to be a minor complaint. Still not sure you need one for your startup? Maybe you’d better read the whole thing.


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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


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