Volvo treasure hunt delayed after locating $500 million instead

Volvo treasure hunt delayed after locating $500 million instead – Filed under: Transportation In an interesting turn of events, it seems like the winner of Volvo’s lucrative treasure hunt won’t be unearthing the $50,000 treasure anytime soon, as the automaker’s hunt partner (Odyssey Marine Exploration) has happened upon an actual $500 million treasure instead. The reported fortune is located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean — in a secretive area known only as Black Swan — but reports are claiming that a court in the Spanish coastal town of La Linea has “issued an order for the Spanish Guardia Civil to detain any Odyssey vessel should it leave the port of Gibraltar,” which has brought about an abrupt halt to Volvo’s retrieval plans. Thankfully, it sounds like the Russian winner will still be awarded the dough and a new XC70 to boot, but there’s no telling how long it’ll be before Odyssey is able to put aside its bigger worries and dig up the (comparatively) paltry $50k. [Via CarTechMag]   Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life! [EnGadget]
Volvo treasure hunt delayed after locating $500 million instead

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In an interesting turn of events, it seems like the winner of Volvo’s lucrative treasure hunt won’t be unearthing the $50,000 treasure anytime soon, as the automaker’s hunt partner (Odyssey Marine Exploration) has happened upon an actual $500 million treasure instead. The reported fortune is located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean — in a secretive area known only as Black Swan — but reports are claiming that a court in the Spanish coastal town of La Linea has “issued an order for the Spanish Guardia Civil to detain any Odyssey vessel should it leave the port of Gibraltar,” which has brought about an abrupt halt to Volvo’s retrieval plans. Thankfully, it sounds like the Russian winner will still be awarded the dough and a new XC70 to boot, but there’s no telling how long it’ll be before Odyssey is able to put aside its bigger worries and dig up the (comparatively) paltry $50k.

[Via CarTechMag]


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