Shockvoice Alpha 0.6.0 released

Shockvoice Alpha 0.6.0 released – [WArp2Search] I just tried this out on a server that was setup for and I have to say its pretty good. The voice quality is amazing and the built in browser is cool. You can setup your server to pull up a page when your connect and change channels. Is this a replacement for ventrilo? Click below to see a screenshot of the client.

Shockvoice Alpha 0.6.0 released – [WArp2Search]

I just tried this out on a server that was setup for and I have to say its pretty good. The voice quality is amazing and the built in browser is cool. You can setup your server to pull up a page when your connect and change channels. Is this a replacement for ventrilo? Click below to see a screenshot of the client.


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