Powerful MediaWiki Plugin allows you to display articles based on specific criteria.

If you run MediaWiki software, then you really need to check this plugin out. This paticular plugin allows you to pick specific criteria, the below example shows some of the parameters you can pass: category=+Africa|Europe category=Politics and conflicts ordermethod=category,sortkey headingmode=ordered You can setup a list of last modified articles, top articles, newly created article. For full documentation on what parameters are available you can view the DPL Manual at

If you run MediaWiki software, then you really need to check this plugin out. This paticular plugin allows you to pick specific criteria, the below example shows some of the parameters you can pass:

category=Politics and conflicts

You can setup a list of last modified articles, top articles, newly created article.

For full documentation on what parameters are available you can view the DPL Manual at

The official link on MediaWiki’s extension page:

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