LG to supply TV converters for US government program

Very interesting, no more analog TV channles. I wonder if Canada will follow suit. LG to supply TV converters for US government program – For some, February 17, 2009 is going to be a frustrating day, as it marks the end of the line for American analog television broadcasts. Those with old-school wood-paneled TVs are going to either need to go out and buy a new set or purchase a converter box to be able to view the new digital channels. If I wasn’t already gadget-obsessed, I’d be mad as hell if someone forced me to upgrade my TV and I’d be even more furious once I found out how much it was going to cost me. Luckily, your trusty National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)has a solution.

Very interesting, no more analog TV channles. I wonder if Canada will follow suit.

LG to supply TV converters for US government program – For some, February 17, 2009 is going to be a frustrating day, as it marks the end of the line for American analog television broadcasts. Those with old-school wood-paneled TVs are going to either need to go out and buy a new set or purchase a converter box to be able to view the new digital channels. If I wasn’t already gadget-obsessed, I’d be mad as hell if someone forced me to upgrade my TV and I’d be even more furious once I found out how much it was going to cost me.
Luckily, your trusty National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)has a solution.
(more…) [CrunchGear]

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