iPhone, iPod touch v1.1.1 jailbroken, apps ported and running

It looks as though its not going to be that easy to hack up the 1.1.1 Firmware on the iPhone as it was with the 1.0.2 firmware. Right now it looks like you can jailbreak the phone but not unlock it. Apple has a good product here, why hinder the use of it and the ever growing third party apps? iPhone, iPod touch v1.1.1 jailbroken, apps ported and running – Filed under: Cellphones

It looks as though its not going to be that easy to hack up the 1.1.1 Firmware on the iPhone as it was with the 1.0.2 firmware. Right now it looks like you can jailbreak the phone but not unlock it. Apple has a good product here, why hinder the use of it and the ever growing third party apps?

iPhone, iPod touch v1.1.1 jailbroken, apps ported and running

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Well lookey see here, sounds like v1.1.1 isn’t all doom and gloom after all. The iPhone dev community’s apparently not only moved past accessing the nigh-unbreakable file system protections Apple implemented in the latest iPhone and iPod touch firmwares, they’ve also managed to hack the SpringBoard app into shape enough to properly launch 3rd party apps (which were, as expected, recompiled to function with the new iPhone frameworks). The iPod touch, too, has apparently been hacked for root access, although no word yet on whether those freshly recompiled apps are functioning on that device, too. But it’s still not without some bad news: unfortunately, it sounds like most (if not all) of these new hacks rely solely on that single TIFF exploit in Mobile Safari, meaning that everyone’s back to square one the moment Apple beams v1.1.2 to the public at large.

Read – Hacker toc2rta confirms the exploit and functionality
Read – iPhone jailbroken, apps installed
Read – iPod touch jailbroken


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