Playing Loud Music Means Copyright Lawsuit for Public Performance in UK

This story is pretty insane, just because someone can hear the loud music its considered a public performance? Sue..Sue..Sue. Playing Loud Music Means Copyright Lawsuit for Public Performance in UK – Employees at many companies listen to music while they work, but one business in the UK is being targeted with a hefty £200,000 copyright infringement suit because the music was played too loudly. The UK-based Performing Rights Society—a group that collects royalties for publishers, songwriters, and composers—has accused a car repair chain [Digg Main]

This story is pretty insane, just because someone can hear the loud music its considered a public performance? Sue..Sue..Sue.

Playing Loud Music Means Copyright Lawsuit for Public Performance in UKEmployees at many companies listen to music while they work, but one business in the UK is being targeted with a hefty £200,000 copyright infringement suit because the music was played too loudly. The UK-based Performing Rights Society—a group that collects royalties for publishers, songwriters, and composers—has accused a car repair chain [Digg Main]

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[Via textually]


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