A review of “Why I Don’t Use WordPress”

A small review of Movable Type 4 and WordPress, its mostly talking about why the person switched from WordPress to Movable Type 4 and how Movable Type 4 worked for this person. Why I Don't Use WordPress – You may be surprised to hear that this blog does not run on WordPress- like much of the blogosphere- but rather, Movable Type 4. I’ve given WordPress plenty of chances to be my CMS of choice, but for my own blog, it just doesn’t cut it for me. [Digg Main]

A small review of Movable Type 4 and WordPress, its mostly talking about why the person switched from WordPress to Movable Type 4 and how Movable Type 4 worked for this person.

Why I Don't Use WordPress – You may be surprised to hear that this blog does not run on WordPress- like much of the blogosphere- but rather, Movable Type 4. I’ve given WordPress plenty of chances to be my CMS of choice, but for my own blog, it just doesn’t cut it for me. [Digg Main]

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