Screenshot Tour: Customize Windows XP with TweakUI

LifeHacker Has a walk through of how to customize Microsoft Windows XP with Tweak UI, with included screen shots. Customize Windows XP with TweakUI – One of the best tools for fine-tuning Windows XP is the free TweakUI PowerToy utility from Microsoft. TweakUI digs deep into Windows’ settings and can customize its behavior dozens of ways, from how many icons appear on the Alt-Tab dialog to Explorer context menu choices to what your program shortcuts look like. TweakUI’s been around forever and we’ve mentioned it here and there throughout the years at Lifehacker, but it’s high time we gave it the full walk-through it deserves. After the jump, take a gander at 15 useful adjustments you can make to your XP system with TweakUI.

LifeHacker Has a walk through of how to customize Microsoft Windows XP with Tweak UI, with included screen shots.

Customize Windows XP with TweakUI – One of the best tools for fine-tuning Windows XP is the free TweakUI PowerToy utility from Microsoft. TweakUI digs deep into Windows’ settings and can customize its behavior dozens of ways, from how many icons appear on the Alt-Tab dialog to Explorer context menu choices to what your program shortcuts look like. TweakUI’s been around forever and we’ve mentioned it here and there throughout the years at Lifehacker, but it’s high time we gave it the full walk-through it deserves. After the jump, take a gander at 15 useful adjustments you can make to your XP system with TweakUI.

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I began the Devbee website back in March as a way to help others by way of documenting what I have learned about Drupal and also to drum up a little bit of business for myself. The content of this site is extremely targeted, and I don't ever expect to see more than a few hundred visits a day. This definitely does not reflect the expectations, or at least hopes, of most website owners. It's typically all about bringing in as many visitors as possible to generate money through advertising or purchases. Sites interested in bringing in large numbers of visitors typically do this by spending a lot of time focusing on "search engine optimization" (SEO). Absolutely nothing can drive traffic to a site like a top placement in the search results on one of the major search engines. - [DevBee]
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Swiftweasel (Default branch)

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jordant:~# apt-cache search swift cakephp - MVC rapid application development framework for PHP libnet-dns-fingerprint-perl - library to determine DNS server vendor, product and version starfighter - 2D scrolling shooter game xwpe - Programming environment and editor for console and X11
I had to browse to the SourceForge project page, and download the appropriate version for my machine, which is a athlon64/32bit.
jordant:~# wget ""
I just untar'd the file, and ran ./firefox from within the directory and it picked up all my settings and everything. Next I had to set it up so that I just had to type firefox within a console. So I created a symlink in my 'bin' folder with all my other custom perl scripts and other command line programs/scripts:
[jordant@jordant:/home/jordant/bin]> ln -s ../swiftweasel/firefox firefox [jordant@jordant:/home/jordant/bin]> rehash [jordant@jordant:/home/jordant/bin]> firefox &
I also had to setup my fluxbox keybinding like so:
Mod4 z :ExecCommand firefox &
I originally was using "iceweasel" which is the Debian fork of Firefox, you can read why Debian had to fork Firefox on WikiPedia I do notice a difference, pages load pretty fast and the FasterFox Plugin helps. However they packaged an extension called "AdBlocks" which I've never used and I don't really like. But for now I have just removed it.
Swiftweasel (Default branch) - Swiftweasel is an optimized build of the Mozilla Firefox Web browser for Linux. It offers builds for both AMD and Intel processors. Swiftweasel is 100% compatible with all Firefox themes, plugins, and extensions. License: Mozilla Public License (MPL) Changes:
The update notifications feature that made its first appearance in is installed. When a new version is available, you will be notified so you can get it. Further font rendering improvements were done. Automatic detection of plugins is done in common directories in the file system. A few more build tweaks were made. The "Release Notes" option in the Help section brings up the release notes.
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