Video of iPhone Sim Free Unbricking and Unlocking (Verdict: It Works)

A video of the jail breaking and installation of 3rd party applications, but nothing about the activation and if you can use non AT&T SIM’s. Still a pretty neat video. Video of iPhone Sim Free Unbricking and Unlocking (Verdict: It Works) – We have tested iPhone Sim Free claims and they work. It still not a process for the faint of heart, as it requires using command line-voodoo for the jailbreak and activation, but it works perfectly. Our iPhone is now completely unlocked and open for apps now under Apple’s latest firmware.

A video of the jail breaking and installation of 3rd party applications, but nothing about the activation and if you can use non AT&T SIM’s. Still a pretty neat video.

Video of iPhone Sim Free Unbricking and Unlocking (Verdict: It Works)We have tested iPhone Sim Free claims and they work. It still not a process for the faint of heart, as it requires using command line-voodoo for the jailbreak and activation, but it works perfectly. Our iPhone is now completely unlocked and open for apps now under Apple’s latest firmware.

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