Ten Funny Quotes By Linus Torvalds

Linus provides 10 funny quotes, mostly developer/linux based funnies.

Linus provides 10 funny quotes, mostly developer/linux based funnies.

“Dijkstra probably hates me”

(in kernel/sched.c)

“How should I know if it works? That’s what beta testers are for. I only coded it”
(somewhere in a posting)

“I’m an idiot.. At least this one [bug] took about 5 minutes to find..”
(in response to a bug report)

Read all 10 quotes here..

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QuickPwn Release Allows Fast Jailbreak Of iPhone Firmware Update 2.0.2

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Here is the updated QuickPwn for Windows, wrapped by Poorlad’s GUI. It contains our new bundles for 2.0.2 and we’ve added support for version 2.0 devices which means you can QuickPwn and jailbreak the device if it is running 2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.0.2. Remember this is still beta software, so usual rules apply, no complaints ifanything goes wrong and use the tool at at your own risk! Download here! SHA1 = 8e1ed2ce9e7e473d38a9dc7824a384a9ac34d7d0

Read the full article at blog.iphone-dev.org
Download the new QuickPwn 1.2.0 with the new 2.0.2 bundle.

Thanks for another successful Jailbreak!
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