What happened to Apple Customer Service?

A nice little article about how Apples growth is affecting its customers, is Apple short changing all of its loyal customers, fans and newly won over customers by looking more for profit rather than customer satisfaction?

A nice little article about how Apples growth is affecting its customers, is Apple short changing all of its loyal customers, fans and newly won over customers by looking more for profit rather than customer satisfaction?

Is the company’s stellar service keeping up with its hypergrowth? Some customers don’t think so. For Apple (AAPL ), there may be a downside to success. Sales of the Cupertino (Calif.) company’s Macintosh machines are growing three times as fast as the overall PC market. Its iPod music player is burying the competition. And the stylish iPhone is setting the wireless industry on its head. But as Apple pulls in millions more customers with different kinds of products, it’s getting harder to keep them all happy.

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