Nokia N810 gets official

The new N810 by Nokia was announced this morning, the following is some of its features as well as a picture of its pull and slide qwerty keyboard. A much bigger phone, but with a screen this size and a faster processor and more ram this phone is definitely going to be on a few peoples wish list.

The new N810 by Nokia was announced this morning, the following is some of its features as well as a picture of its pull and slide qwerty keyboard. A much bigger phone, but with a screen this size and a faster processor and more ram this phone is definitely going to be on a few peoples wish list.

Shocking everyone — especially Engadget readers — Nokia announced its new N810 this morning. Details are still incoming, but here’s what we know for sure:

* Same WVGA (800 x 480) display as the N800, brightness increased by ~20%
* GPS with particular focus on the “context sensitive web” via Ovi
* 2GB internal storage (not including memory cards), ships with maps for use with GPS
* Has WiFi, does not have WiMAX
* Bluetooth DUNs to capable phones, totally Foleo-like
* Faster processor, more RAM (we don’t have specifics yet)
* Battery life aimed at 4 hours of “typical use” (movies, music, internet access, etc.) and up to 2 weeks totally idle time, and 5 days active standby (“improved compared to previous generation devices”)
* Runs Nokia’s Linux Maemo interface (duh)
* Ships in November, $479

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