AT&T now providing the Blackberry Curve to its customers.

The new Blackberry 8310 Curve is now in AT&T stores for purchase, the biggest change is that it has GPS.

The new Blackberry 8310 Curve is now in AT&T stores for purchase, the biggest change is that it has GPS.

Those of you who’ve been sitting on an AT&T upgrade and waiting for your dream Blackberry to arrive, today is your day. The 8310, aka another Curve, is now available at your neighborhood AT&T store. Or should be, at least. My local store here in Seattle hasn’t received their stock yet, but are confident it’ll be in today.

Read the full story at CrunchGear

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Yahoo! in Talks to Buy MySpace: Is That a Good Idea Nowadays?

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Yahoo! in Talk to Buy MySpace: Is That a Good Idea Nowadays? -


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Super “strace” perl script to assist with debugging programs that spawn child processes.

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