Sony Slashes Price of PlayStation 3

Sony has dropped the pricing of its PlayStation 3 console by $100!

Sony has dropped the pricing of its PlayStation 3 console by $100!

ony Corp. is slashing the starting price for PlayStation 3 consoles in the U.S. by $100, its latest attempt to boost slow sales of the machine in time for the holiday season.

The move, widely expected after similar actions in Japan and Europe, introduces a new PlayStation 3 model with a 40-gigabyte hard drive for $399. That compares with an earlier entry-level price of $499 on a model with 60 gigabytes of storage capacity. Sony in July lowered the price on the 60-gigabyte model from $599.

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AMD considering getting out of fabrication business

This is something I saw over at Ars Technica. This is a big and ugly move for AMD, no chip fabrication and just straight up design might put them in a hard place. Intel at the moment does both, and has many fabrication production facilities. Here are some facts about AMD:

AMD has planned expansions in their production capacity. In addition to the completion of Fab 36 in Dresden (300 mm 90 nmSOI), AMD is planning to upgrade Fab 30 (adjacent to Fab 36) in Dresden from 200 mm 90 nm process SOI to a 300 mm 65 nm process SOI facility and rename it Fab 38, and open a new facility at the Luther Park Technology Campus in Stillwater, New York (likely 300 mm 32 nm process SOI production) between years 2009 to 2010. process

And here is some information about Intel:

Intel currently operates four 300-mm fabs that provide the equivalent manufacturing capacity of about eight 200-mm factories. Those factories are located in Oregon, Ireland and New Mexico. The company also has an additional 300-mm fab currently under construction in Arizona (Fab 12) scheduled to begin operations later this year, and one expansion in Ireland (Fab 24-2) scheduled to begin operations in the first quarter of next year.

It was hard to find a lot of detail about Intels Facilities. Even WikiPedia and a 4 page google search turned up nothing.

AMD considering getting out of fabrication business -
Reports are surfacing that AMD is seriously considering a move out of the chip fabrication business, focusing its efforts entirely on chip design. It would be a risky move on AMD's part, even if it would ameliorate some of the company's cash flow problems.
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CE-Oh no he didn’t, part XXXV: NBC sez piracy hurts ‘corn growers’

CE-Oh no he didn't, part XXXV: NBC sez piracy hurts 'corn growers' -

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Although some may argue that piracy is (at least on some level) beneficial, it looks like NBC has taken that sentiment to the opposing extreme with its latest comments. In a purported filing with the FCC calling for enhanced regulation of the internet in an attempt to stifle evil P2P activity, NBC blurted out a string of text that it surely hoped would be overlooked. Alas, hardly any ridiculous claims go unseen these days, so now we're faced with this gem: "In the absence of movie piracy, video retailers would sell and rent more titles. Movie theaters would sell more tickets and popcorn. Corn growers would earn greater profits and buy more farm equipment." There's absolutely no need for us to pick apart the aforementioned quote, after all, we're fairly certain the absurdity shines right through on its own.

[Via TechDirt, image courtesy of Monsanto]


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