Ubuntu 7.10 officially released

Ubuntu 7.10 is officially released, and ready for download through a Ubuntu mirror or through Bittorrent. Lots of fans are happy that they can finally start using a non RC (Release Candidate) version. The wired review goes in-depth into what has changes and what is now available in the new version of Ubunutu.

Ubuntu 7.10 is officially released, and ready for download through a Ubuntu mirror or through Bittorrent. Lots of fans are happy that they can finally start using a non RC (Release Candidate) version. The wired review goes in-depth into what has changes and what is now available in the new version of Ubunutu.

Canonical has announced the official release of Ubuntu 7.10 (codenamed Gutsy Gibbon), the latest version of the popular Debian-based Linux distribution. Ubuntu 7.10 includes the GNOME 2.20 desktop environment as well as recent versions of Xorg, OpenOffice.org, and Firefox.

Several significant new features have been added in Ubuntu 7.10. The Compiz window manager, which adds rich visual effects to the Ubuntu user interface, is enabled by default on systems with compatible hardware. Ubuntu 7.10 also includes support for display hotplugging and Bulletproof X, which simplify graphics hardware configuration and make it easier to use multiple displays. Other new additions include automated printer installation, support for writing to NTFS partitions, the Tracker search and indexing system, and a more energy-efficient kernel that will reduce heat output and extend productive laptop usage time.

Read full article at ArsTechnica
Read full review at Wired

Download through Bittorrent (Direct Link)
Download through an Ubuntu Mirror
Download through gulus.usherbrooke.ca Canadian Mirror

If you don’t have a bittorrent client, try using Utorrent

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