Automatically Jailbreak iPhone v1.1.1 firmware using iFuntastic

Haven’t found an application that will automatically jailbreak the iPhone v1.1.1 firmware? Check out iFuntastic, which will jailbreak your v1.1.1 firmware automatically for free!

Haven’t found an application that will automatically jailbreak the iPhone v1.1.1 firmware? Check out iFuntastic, which will jailbreak your v1.1.1 firmware automatically for free!

iFuntastic time, ladies and gentleman. BitSplit, the man behind iFuntastic, has announced that version 4.6.1 is now available. This new version, along with various other improvements, makes it super easy to jailbreak the latest iPhone software version. Once jailbroken, an iPhone is able to freely load and run third party applications and mods. On top of simply jailbreaking v1.1.1, iFuntastic can now crop and add custom ringtones.

You may remember the guide we published a while back which outlined how to jailbreak a v1.1.1 iPhone. It was quite a few steps and required some terminal knowledge. Not for the non-geek by any stretch of the imagination. Thankfully, bitSplit has come up with a very simple way to perform the same steps, and in half the time.

Read the full article at
Download iFuntastic from

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