Microsoft adds Virtual Machine additions for Linux

Microsoft has released an Update to its Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1. This update improves on the interoperability of running “Qualified” Linux Operating Systems as guests or Virtual Machines. With added support for SuSE Enterprise Server 10, Guest and Host time synchronization, SCSI hard disk emulation and more! The Qualified Linux Operating Systems don’t include Debian, Ubuntu or any Unix/BSD OS. 🙁

Microsoft has released an Update to its Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1. This update improves on the interoperability of running “Qualified” Linux Operating Systems as guests or Virtual Machines. With added support for SuSE Enterprise Server 10, Guest and Host time synchronization, SCSI hard disk emulation and more!

The Qualified Linux Operating Systems don’t include Debian, Ubuntu or any Unix/BSD OS. 🙁

Brief Description: Compatible with Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 Virtual Machine Additions for Linux are designed to improve the usability and interoperability of running qualified Linux operating systems as guests or virtual machines of Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.

Now with support for SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

Microsoft is committed to testing and supporting many third-party operating systems for use as guest operating systems on Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 virtual machines. To help make sure that you have a favorable experience when you run third-party guest operating systems in Virtual Server 2005, Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) has created a product support model for these third-party guest operating systems. This support model is consistent with the support model that is used for Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1. Product support for the Virtual Machine Additions will be provided through the normal support channels available for Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.

Virtual Machine Additions information
To improve the interoperability between virtual machines running Linux guest operating systems and Virtual Server 2005 R2, Virtual Machine Additions are available for Linux guest operating systems. You can install these Virtual Machine Additions components in your Linux guest operating systems to improve the following operating system capabilities:

* Guest and host synchronization for time synchronization, for heartbeat generation, and for coordinated shutdown operations
* Mouse driver
* Display driver
* SCSI hard disk emulation

Note: The SCSI hard disk Virtual Machine Additions component requires Virtual Server 2005 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

Qualified Linux guests:

Enterprise distributions

* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 (update 6)
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (update 6)
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
* SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
* SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

Standard distributions

* Red Hat Linux 7.3
* Red Hat Linux 9.0
* SuSE Linux 9.2
* SuSE Linux 9.3
* SuSE Linux 10.0

Dopwnload the new Virtual Machine update at

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