Updating a windows driver can cause Vista to de-activate

The full article ventures into the troublesome problem that will leave you with a de-activated Vista, and the only way to get back to normal would be a call to Microsoft and a new Activation Code. Wasn’t Vista going to allow 3 hardware swaps, and then you would be required to re-activate your copy of Vista?

The full article ventures into the troublesome problem that will leave you with a de-activated Vista, and the only way to get back to normal would be a call to Microsoft and a new Activation Code. Wasn’t Vista going to allow 3 hardware swaps, and then you would be required to re-activate your copy of Vista?

After weeks of gruelling troubleshooting, I’ve finally had it confirmed by Microsoft Australia and USA — something as small as swapping the video card or updating a device driver can trigger a total Vista deactivation.

Put simply, your copy of Windows will stop working with very little notice (three days) and your PC will go into “reduced functionality” mode, where you can’t do anything but use the web browser for half an hour.

You’ll then need to reapply to Microsoft to get a new activation code.

Read the full article at apcmag.com

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Boeing's unmanned A160T Hummingbird helicopter takes flight -

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[Via The Raw Feed, image courtesy of SkyControl]


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