Create a Digg site with no programming?

A great article on how to turn drupal into a Digg like clone without any programming. If you’ve every played with Drupal or are actively using it on your site, like mine. Take a look:

A great article on how to turn drupal into a Digg like clone without any programming. If you’ve every played with Drupal or are actively using it on your site, like mine. Take a look:

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Sony's back: shifting from "recovery to profitable growth" -- 380 new PS3 games -

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var digg_url = ''; Howard Stringer -- Sony Corp's CEO and man with the plan -- just exited stage-left from Sony's annual shareholder meeting in Tokyo. To say that the 6,000 attendees were skeptical of said plan would be an understatement given a year of fiscal losses, job cuts, PS3 under-performance (with an eventual Kutaragi dismissal), and an embarrassing and dangerous recall of some 10 million batteries among other missteps. Still, Howard stood strong, assuring investors that Sony has made the swtich from "recovery to profitable growth" and will be a "dominant company" in the digital age. So what's the plan?

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