Get your Vista Incapable Stickers today!

Those pesky little compatible stickers on all of the machines at work and your laptop can finally be removed. Coming to a install Linux Distribution PC near you, Vista Incapable stickers!   I am definitely going to to print these out and paste them all over the PC’s I own and even the ones I don’t 😀

Those pesky little compatible stickers on all of the machines at work and your laptop can finally be removed. Coming to a install Linux Distribution PC near you, Vista Incapable stickers!


I am definitely going to to print these out and paste them all over the PC’s I own and even the ones I don’t 😀

See the original site with stickers!

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Symantec outgrows underground nuclear bunker

Almost like a RTCW Malware Camp. Would be interesting to see what the bunker looks like.
Symantec outgrows underground nuclear bunker - Symantec has emerged from its bunker in the British countryside, moving its malware-fighting operations from a former U.K. military nuclear shelter to a more conventional office in Reading. The nuclear bunker, with concrete walls and an obscure entrance on a hillside near Twyford, England, was used for one of the company's Special Operations Center (SOC). The regional centers are used by security analysts who are part of the company's Managed Security Services. Companies hire Symantec to help with part or all of their IT security operations.

The nuclear shelter may have been good public relations for a security company, but it wasn't comfortable: It lacked windows and had "sanitation" problems, company officials said. On Wednesday, Symantec offered a tour of its new facility in Reading to journalists, analysts, and customers. The facility, formerly used by storage company Veritas, which Symantec acquired in 2005, has twice as much space as the bunker and was needed to accommodate Symantec's growth.

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Annoyed, hospitalized teen unplugs neighbor’s life support

Annoyed, hospitalized teen unplugs neighbor's life support -

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It should probably go without saying that anything connected to a power source within the confines of a hospital has a fair shot at being pertinent to the livelihood of at least one individual, but obviously a 17-year old teenager in Germany needed the memo. After the perpetual noise of what would prove to be his neighbor's life support machine "got on his nerves," he proceeded to simply unplug the device without precaution in order to ensure that "he got his peace and quiet." Of course, we can only assume that the sirens and squeals that were emitted due to his misreckoning were immensely louder than the prior hum, but some folks just love to learn the hard way. Thankfully, medical personnel stepped in and saved the man from perishing, but the teen at fault lost a lot more sleep after that whilst being questioned by police.

[Via El Reg, image courtesy of NAIAD]


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Super “strace” perl script to assist with debugging programs that spawn child processes.

If you have ever ran into a problem with trying to strace apache or other processes that spawn children, then this script will help you out greatly. This small perl script will grab all of the PID's of the current process and its children and then run an strace command on all of them to provide strace output from all of apache. You can modify the strace line to your liking as well as the log names, by default it logs to a file based on date and time to the /tmp directory. Code included, click 'Read More'.
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samhain 2.3.5 (Default branch)

samhain 2.3.5 (Default branch) - samhain is a daemon that can check file integrity, search the file tree for SUID files, and detect kernel module rootkits (Linux only). It can be used either standalone or as a client/server system for centralized monitoring, with strong (192-bit AES) encryption for client/server connections and the option to store databases and configuration files on the server. For tamper resistance, it supports signed database/configuration files and signed reports/audit logs. It has been tested on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Unixware.
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Floola 1.0

Floola 1.0 - Floola is a freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod or your Motorola mobile phone (any model supporting iTunes) under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. It can be run directly from your iPod and needs no installation. Take a look at the feature list to find out what it can do and feel free to suggest anything that might be missing.


* Cross plattform - Works on any Windows (98 and above), any Mac and any linux distribution with GTK installed.
* No installation required - Put the application on iPod and launch it on any PC, immediately.
* Playlists - Easily manage, import and export (m3u, pls) playlists.

* - Join the social music revolution.
* Localization - Available in different languages.

* Lyrics - Lyric support even on older iPods (3G and above).

* Search for duplicates - Easily find duplicated songs on iPod.

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