Google using Digg style voting for searches

The popular site Digg is know all over the globe, a site that allows user submissions of articles on the web. Once "Dugg" other users can vote for the articles they like, as the amount of votes rise the articles are put onto the front page of digg. Lots of sites have followed took this idea and based the their site on specific content as well as media. Google is now providing the same type of idea, allow you to add, move or remove search results.

The popular site Digg is know all over the globe, a site that allows user submissions of articles on the web. Once "Dugg" other users can vote for the articles they like, as the amount of votes rise the articles are put onto the front page of digg. Lots of sites have followed took this idea and based the their site on specific content as well as media.
Google is now providing the same type of idea, allow you to add, move or remove search results.


At the moment, the modifications made by the users to search results is only seen by them. It’s possible that Google can start removing pages from their index if enough requests are submitted on a single article.


Read the TechCrunch Article
Read the Google Labs details


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