MySQL and OpenSSL Replication what a mess!

Just a heads up, if you do decide to enable OpenSSL so you can do encrypted MySQL replication. There are two bugs that will affect replication and the mysqldump command. They’re as follows: Bug #24148 regression tests hang with SSL enabled Bug #27669 mysqldump: Got error: 2026: SSL connection error when trying to connect This may cause lots of problems with MySQL and SSL Replication using OpenSSL. Cheers!

Just a heads up, if you do decide to enable OpenSSL so you can do encrypted MySQL replication. There are two bugs that will affect replication and the mysqldump command. They’re as follows:

Bug #24148 regression tests hang with SSL enabled

Bug #27669 mysqldump: Got error: 2026: SSL connection error when trying to connect

This may cause lots of problems with MySQL and SSL Replication using OpenSSL.


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