Are Network Carriers To Blame For iPhone 3G Problems

I was recently having issues with my phone not being able to use 3G, and I thought it might have been a firmware or possibly hardware issue. But after troubleshooting for some time, I found that it was in fact applications crashing or firmware bugs. Hearing more and more reports of network issues with 3G and iPhones, Wired Magazine decided to do a survey of 3G coverage across america.

I was recently having issues with my phone not being able to use 3G, and I thought it might have been a firmware or possibly hardware issue. But after troubleshooting for some time, I found that it was in fact applications crashing or firmware bugs.

Hearing more and more reports of network issues with 3G and iPhones, Wired Magazine decided to do a survey of 3G coverage across america. The results are pretty interesting.

Recently asked iPhone 3G users all around the world to participate in a study, which involved testing their 3G speeds and entering their data on an interactive map. The purpose? To gain a general idea of how 3G was performing — where it’s best and where it’s worst — in light of widespread complaints about the handset’s network performance. More than 2,600 people participated (wow!) and we’ve diligently cleaned up the data to present it to you here.

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[Via The Raw Feed, image courtesy of SkyControl]


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