Gmail Email Address Confusion and MySpace SPAM!

So, I’ve been getting emails address to this guy named Josh Trask. It’s been going on for over a year, and I’ve had this email for a long time, I think it was 2005 when I activated my email account.

Anyways. I’ve been getting these emails for the last year or so. I’ve been replying to the ones that actual humans receive and letting them know they have the wrong email. I also tell them to tell Josh Trask that hes giving out the wrong email. Typically I don’t get a response.

Today, I think his wife/gf emailed me and in the Subject it said “Thinking about you”. Which was kinda funny. So I told her to tell Josh not to give out this email to his friends because it isn’t his.

But what really gets my button is the SPAM this guy signs up for. Well, some of it is just silly stuff that I personally don’t sign up for.

I though he just signed up for MySpace because now I’m getting all this MySpace Junk. So I looked into it and I found out that this guy us using  “[email protected]” which is totally messed up.But this isn’t Josh, this is Justin Trask.

Anyways, if you click show details in Gmail, you will see a (Yes this is You, Learn More). Which links to this.

So what do I do? I cancel his myspace account, he had no friends anyways. But I don’t understand why there was no email confirmation to opt in. That’s really messed up. Not only that, but if I want to unsubscribe I have to login and cancel the subscription that I didn’t even confirm to receive. LAME!

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