Access NTFS (Windows) Disk from OSX using MacFuse

I know, its nothing new, however not many people know about it. Personally I don’t have that many NTFS external drives, mostly because I knew it would cause issues with Mac and Linux/Unix. So instead I use to format most of my external drives as Fat32. However I would have to make  a couple of partitions manually because Windows 2000/XP actually limited you from creating partitions large than 32/64GB. You can get the specifics because this covers more than this article at WikiPedia:

Don’t worry about Fat32, partition your drives as NTFS and make them as large as you want. You can now using them on Mac OSX using MacFuse and NTFS-3g from Tuxera.

Macfuse –
NTFS-3G from Tuxera –

Install both and enjoy!

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