As you can tell from the Template, I’ve upgraded to WordPress 3.0 RC. It’s rather simple to do this automatically. Just following these instructions to automatically upgrade WordPress from 2 to 3.
As you can tell from the Template, I’ve upgraded to WordPress 3.0 RC. It’s rather simple to do this automatically. Just following these instructions to automatically upgrade WordPress from 2 to 3.
Corporate critics feel the stinging lash of DMCA misuse -Two recent cases show that companies aren't always fans of criticism, and some will file misguided DMCA notices and defamation cases to scrub it from the Internet.
News is just out of a new way to jailbreak your iPhone, and this time the tool is specifically designed to work "quickly and easily, without requiring a full restore." Quickpwn has been released as a beta, intended to complement the main PwnageTool.