New Workspace Setup

So sitting in my room in the dark, I usually don’t get motivated. So I decided to make the hump to a 27′ monitor for my living space that was so awkward it I had no use for it. So I turned it into a workspace. So now I have my Macbook Pro, 27′ monitor and an Apple Keyboard setup for all my grind at projects, code and problems.

So far it’s worked out really well for me. Here’s some pictures

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Error’d: Crashing Las Vegas

This is awesome. I recently took a trick to Las Vegas, and wondered about all of the the neat hardware that runs the screens and lights.
Error'd: Crashing Las Vegas -

Surely, you’ve seen the commercials and are familiar with Las Vegas’ First-Commandment / Clever-Marketing-Tagline: What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. I suppose we can bend that rule today and share a couple pictures that Christopher Kimbell snapped while he was walking down the strip…

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[The Daily WTF]
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