Why Jungle Disk isn’t a good option for your VPS

I started using Jungle Disk for my Dedicated Server at Softlayer. It’s a rather beefy Dual Quad Core Xeon E5420 with 12GB of memory. It’s not a sloth at all. The setup was simple, I selected the directories I wished to have backed up and also configured email alerts. I’ve had no problems with Jungle Disk on my dedicated server.

However, this is not the case with my two VPS servers. Jungle Disk seems to use quite a bit of memory over time, as you can see below this is after Jungle Disk has been running for 4 days.

root     20027  0.4 29.9 956268 78560 ?        SNsl Apr05  30:37 /usr/local/bin/junglediskserver

As you can see out of the 256MB of memory allocated to the VM, jungle disk is taking up 29.9% which seems to occur after a couple of days.

I brought it up with Jungle Disk support, they said to upgrade and I still had the same memory usage if not worse afterwards. At which point they replied with.

Hello –
Thanks for the update.
At this time, there is no resolution to the large memory footprint, however, we are aware.
Regarding the connection to Amazon… Jungle Disk utilizes many EC2 instances as our back end infrastructure. Thus, you’ll always see connections to Amazon AWS.
If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to update this ticket.
Thanks,JungleTravisJungle Disk Support

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