RRDTool Error When Migrating Observium from 32bit to 64bit Server

We had a 32bit Ubuntu server that was getting pegged due to the lack of memory it was able to use when observium was kicking off it’s cron. So I decided to move Observium to a 64bit Ubuntu server.

Unfortunately when trying to run the poller, the following error appeared.

ERROR: This RRD was created on another architecture

The solution was to go back to the old machine and dump the .rrd files to .xml using the rrdtool dump command. I found the solution on this article.


However, since the files were located in folders, the code snippet provided wasn’t going to do much. So I just did it with my good old friend xargs, cause I’m lame like that. So I ran the following on the 32bit Ubuntu server.

find . | grep "\.rrd" | sed 's/.rrd//g' | xargs --verbose -l -I ext rrdtool dump ext.rrd > ext.xml

Then I used rsync to copy all the data over to the new 64bit Ubuntu server. And then ran the following.

find . | grep "\.xml" | sed 's/.xml//g' | xargs --verbose -l -I ext rrdtool restore -f ext.xml ext.rrd

And Observium was back to normal! Yea!

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