MikroTik Scripts

Setup SSH Key Login on Mikrotik

Created File and Place SSH Key Contents


Set SSH Key for Users


Setup Email Sending on Mikrotik via Postmark


Send a Test Email from Mikrotik


Backup Mikrotik Config and Email – Example 1


Backup Mikrotik Config and Email – Example 2


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Boeing's unmanned A160T Hummingbird helicopter takes flight -

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It's been a few ticks since we've seen Boeing send an atypical aircraft into the friendly skies, but the firm's latest helicopter has successfully completed a 12-minute test flight without so much as a pilot on board. The A160T Hummingbird unmanned rotorcraft is a turbine-powered "warfighter" that aims to provide "intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance coverage" in locales that could make even the most calloused veteran queasy. During its time in the air, it reportedly met every objective set for it, and while we've no idea how soon this thing will be lifting itself up, it'll eventually reach speeds of up to 140 knots and stay airborne for up to 20 hours before returning to base for a pat on the wing.

[Via The Raw Feed, image courtesy of SkyControl]


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