Cracking Secured (WEP/WPA) Wireless Networks with Backtrack!

Last Updated on August 8, 2011 EDT by Jordan

I’ve always been asked, “is my Wireless Network secure?” and usually reply with “As long as you’re using WPA with a strong password”. However I wanted to test that out and do some penetration testing.

I looked on the supported devices section of a popular distribution called “BackTrack” that seems to have everything you require to penetrate 802.11 wireless access points.

I’ve picked up a NetGear WG111 and a Linksys WUSB54GC, I’ve yet to test either to see if they’re going to work. And in work I mean actually be able to inject packets, as that’s the main reasoning behind it.

I will be using this guide I stumbled upon online via Google search.

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