Synology Redirect Nginx HTTP to https + Allow Letsencrypt

You can follow this article pretty much all the way. However, it will fail if you use Letsencrypt to generate an SSL Certificate. So you simply need to add the following above the redirect line. Here’s how it should look. Of course after you make this change you will need to restart Nginx You … Read more

Setting up Proxmox Email Alerts

Introduction You may not have known, but Proxmox does send out emails every so often. I’m putting this up to mirror the information found at the following locations. 1. Install the authentication library 2. Choose an SMTP Provider You can use a Gmail account and App Passwords, App Passwords is available when you enable … Read more

Clearing DNS Service Cache on Synology NAS

If you’re using the Synology DNS server for your local clients or services on the Synology NAS, then you might need to clear it’s cache. It’s really simple, and after googling I couldn’t find a straight answer. So I did some digging and found this was the appropriate way to clear the DNS Service Cache … Read more