La Fontenna Extends Range Of FON Wireless Goodness

La Fontenna Extends Range Of FON Wireless Goodness – This is simple really: FON lets you share your wireless Internet connection with FON community members (called Foneros) and in return you get to hop on any other member’s wireless connection free of charge, anywhere in the world. The La Fonera is the specially designed $39.95 Wi-Fi access point that lets you securely share your wireless connection. The $19.95 Lafontenna is a directional antenna that extends your FON Wi-Fi coverage area up to five times farther than the Fonera’s standard range. Any questions? [CrunchGear]
La Fontenna Extends Range Of FON Wireless Goodness

fontenna.jpegThis is simple really: FON lets you share your wireless Internet connection with FON community members (called Foneros) and in return you get to hop on any other member’s wireless connection free of charge, anywhere in the world. The La Fonera is the specially designed $39.95 Wi-Fi access point that lets you securely share your wireless connection. The $19.95 Lafontenna is a directional antenna that extends your FON Wi-Fi coverage area up to five times farther than the Fonera’s standard range.

Any questions?


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