Sleazy lawsuit of the week!

Sleazy lawsuit of the week! – A Dutch woman has lost her compensation claim for mental distress she suffered from missing out when her neighbors won a lottery windfall. [Dvorak]
Sleazy lawsuit of the week!A Dutch woman has lost her compensation claim for mental distress she suffered from missing out when her neighbors won a lottery windfall. [Dvorak]

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We're pretty sure that he meant "boombox", but regardless, this funky little hack from music enthusiast Gregor Dauth will be making him a lot of new friends at the next break-dancing competition. For this feat of audiophile-DIY, Dauth gutted an old Grundig tape machine, added four 150-watt speakers, installed an amp he purchased on eBay, and flashed it all up with some blue fiber-optic lighting. The end-result? More ass-shaking low-end then you could possibly want.

[Via hackaday]


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