Archiving Facebook Messages and Facebook Marketplace Messages

Too many Facebook Messages

I had a ton of Facebook Marketplace messages that I was annoyed with and wanted archived. So I found many resources online on using the Chrome console to run javascript to archive the messages.

Javascript Gist and More

I found a gist with the needed code, but it didn’t work. Upon reading the comments, there was updated code buried and another Github repository.

Archive all of the messages in your Facebook Messages Inbox · GitHub
Archive all of the messages in your Facebook Messages Inbox – archive-all-facebook-messages.js

My modified code

I took the original code and modified it with ChatGTP. I had it limit the number of times the script would run, essentially, how many messages it would archive. I also added a delay, to make sure I didn’t get blocked by Facebook.

let executionCount = 0;

function run() {
  if (executionCount >= 100) {
  let all = document.querySelectorAll('div[aria-label="Menu"]');
  if (all.length == 0) return;
  let a = all[1];;
  let menuitems = document.querySelectorAll('div[role=menuitem]');
  let archiveChatRegex = /Archive chat/;
  for (let i = 0; i < menuitems.length; i++) {
    if (archiveChatRegex.test(menuitems[i].innerText)) {
  setTimeout(run, 200); // Delay of 1 second (1000 milliseconds)


WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast

I recently installed the plugin Wordpres SEO by Yoast on my this blog, and others. It was recommended by one of those top 10-20-50 WordPress Plugin posts you find all over the place.

You can read more about Yoast and their plugin on their website

One of the features that comes in handy quite often when writing a new post or page, is the Snippet Preview as seen below:

It hangs out just below the content box when you’re writing up your page or post, and it provides a preview of what your article will look like when its posted on Facebook or other sites that take a preview of your article.

Looking at Cassandra (DB) and Hiphop (Compiling PHP to Native C)

I was all over the internet one day and ran into a project called Cassandra. Which was opensourced by Facebook and is being developed by Apache committers as well as other major companies.

I also dug up another Facebook related project called Hiphop, which compiles PHP into native C to boost performance. Also used by Facebook.

Twitter App for Facebook is Broken! But Twitter Support is Non-Existant!

I have had time to blog that much, but since I’ve got some time today. I thought I might talk about how I’ve stumbled upon my own issues with Twitter. I’ve talked to about her issues with her password reset problems and Twitters phone verification not working at all. And then the on going issue of actually trying to get help without a login.

But lets cover my problems, because its all about me today. Ha.

The problem, I can’t add the Twitter application to my Facebook account. I know, I know, applications are the suck. But I thought I would have my twitter followers and facebook friends enjoy the comfort of my ramblings equally. Instead of favouring one platform, I can get the attention of my IRL (In Real Life) friends and my Twitter “followers”.

When I try to add the application, it asks for my login. I input my login and then am greeted with a “Wrong username or password”. So I decided to be smart about it, and use my email address, same outcome. So I change my password, same outcome. So I create a new Twitter account to see if that works. First try, same outcome, second try it works.

I don’t understand. Like seriously, I know I might sound a little annoying and bitchy, but it gets better.

So who do I talk to about this issue? Well Twitter of course, so I decided to click the “Help” and see what I might get out of this. To my surprise there is already a topic on the issue.

It might not be the issue im experiencing exactly, but its the right topic. But the comments are closed, so what to do now?