WHMCS Lightbox Loading Image in Footer (Cloudflare Issue)

You might have seen a loading image in the footer of your WHMCS admin page. If you inspect the page, you’ll see it’s got some tags for the lightbox.

The issue is related to Cloudflare Rocket Loader, you can simply create a page rule to disable Rocket Loader on the admin pages or disable Rocket Loader altogether.

Source: https://whmcs.community/topic/309599-loading-spinner-admin-area/

Disable Rocket Loader with Cloudflare Page Rule

If you wish to disable Rocket Loader for a specific URL then you can use Cloudflare Page Rules using the following configuration.

WHMCS and Hexonet ISPAPI Registrar Module “Missing Required Attribute; X-CA-LEGALTYPE” Issue

If you’re running WHMCS and the Hexonet ISPAPI Registrar Module, you might have issues registering .ca domain names. An error will show up when you click on register, here’s a screenshot of the error.


Invalid attribute value; INVALID Contact [OWNERCONTACT] (Missing required attribute; X-CA-LEGALTYPE)]

This is due to the .ca registry requiring all registrations require a legal type designation, there’s multiple types. Commonly used types are Canadian Citizen and Corporation.

The fix is to open up the file “modules/registrars/ispapi/additionaldomainfields_sample.php” which is either in the downloadable zip file or already in your WHMCS installation. The file contains the following additions domain fields that you need to place under “WEBROOT/resources/domains/additionaldomainfields.php”

## add ispapi additional fields ##
$additionaldomainfields[“.ca”][] = array(
“Name” => “Legal Type”,
“LangVar” => “catldlegaltype”,
“Type” => “dropdown”,
“Options” => “Corporation,Canadian Citizen,Permanent Resident of Canada,Government,Canadian Educational Institution,Canadian Unincorporated Association,Canadian Hospital,Partnership Registered in Canada,Trade-mark registered in Canada,Canadian Trade Union,Canadian Political Party,Canadian Library Archive or Museum,Trust established in Canada,Aboriginal Peoples,Legal Representative of a Canadian Citizen,Official mark registered in Canada”,
“Default” => “Corporation”,
“Description” => “Legal type of registrant contact”,
“Ispapi-Name” => “X-CA-LEGALTYPE”,
$additionaldomainfields[“.ca”][] = array(
“Name” => “CIRA Agreement”,
“LangVar” => “catldciraagreement”,
“Type” => “tickbox”,
“Description” => “Tick to confirm you agree to the CIRA Registration Agreement shown below
You have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the Registrant Agreement, and that CIRA may, from time to time and at its discretion, amend any or all of the terms and conditions of the Registrant Agreement, as CIRA deems appropriate, by posting a notice of the changes on the CIRA website and by sending a notice of any material changes to Registrant. You meet all the requirements of the Registrant Agreement to be a Registrant, to apply for the registration of a Domain Name Registration, and to hold and maintain a Domain Name Registration, including without limitation CIRA’s Canadian Presence Requirements for Registrants, at: www.cira.ca/assets/Documents/Legal/Registrants/CPR.pdf. CIRA will collect, use and disclose your personal information, as set out in CIRA’s Privacy Policy, at: www.cira.ca/assets/Documents/Legal/Registrants/privacy.pdf
“, “Required” => true, “Ispapi-Name” => “X-CA-ACCEPT-AGREEMENT-VERSION”, “Ispapi-Eval” => ‘if ( $value ) { $value = “2.0”; } else { $value = “”; }’ ); $additionaldomainfields[“.ca”][] = array( “Name” => “WHOIS Opt-out”, “LangVar” => “catldwhoisoptout”, “Type” => “tickbox”, “Description” => “Tick to hide your contact information in CIRA WHOIS (only available to individuals)”, “Ispapi-Name” => “OWNERCONTACT0X-CA-DISCLOSE”, “Ispapi-Eval” => ‘if ( $value ) { $value = “0”; } else { $value = “1”; }’ ); $additionaldomainfields[“.ca”][] = array( “Name” => “Trademark Number”, “Type” => “text”, “Size” => “50”, “Default” => “”, “Required” => false, “Ispapi-Name” => “X-CA-DOMAIN-TRADEMARK”, “Ispapi-Eval” => ‘if ( $value ) { $value = “Y”; } else { $value = “N”; }’ ); $additionaldomainfields[“.ca”][] = array( “Name” => “Contact Language”, “Type” => “dropdown”, “Options” => “English,French”, “Default” => “English”, “Ispapi-Name” => “X-CA-LANGUAGE”, “Ispapi-Options” => “EN,FR” );