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I noticed quite a few of my visitors are finding my article about MySQL Thread Caching and a Busy Site And looking for the http://www.ftatalk.com mirror. Heres the mirror http://www.satfix.net most of the articles on http://www.ftatalk.com are located on this site so just load it up, register and go.

I noticed quite a few of my visitors are finding my article about

MySQL Thread Caching and a Busy Site

And looking for the http://www.ftatalk.com mirror.

Heres the mirror http://www.satfix.net most of the articles on http://www.ftatalk.com are located on this site so just load it up, register and go.

I’ve closed commenting on this article because too many people are asking for help. Login to http://www.ftatalk.com or http://www.satfix.net if you require assistance.

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FBI Seeks To Restrict University Student Freedoms

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