Daniel J. Bernstein releases his code into the public domain!
Daniel J. Bernstein has stated he is releasing his future and previous work under the public domain. You can watch the video of his announcement here.
New Zealand teenager arrested as Botnet Leader
Cyber Attacks by Goverments around the world on the rise
The many governments around the world are facing a growing concern as the internet gains more popularity and becomes more accessible. You need to provide information or access to services or devices to many different locations across your country or the world, and the only way to do this is through private networks and the internet.
Google removes Malware sites from its search index, but why aren’t they looking at the bigger picture?
There is an interesting article posted on downloadsquad.com titled "Google removes thousands of malware sites". Google has purged its index of suspected sites that propagate malware to anyone that unsuspectingly visits one of the sites in question.
Linux computer that takes only 8 watts of power and can be solar powered
I know everyone is loving the new Asus Eee PC and they should, its a wonderful device. But if you want to go even smaller you can take a look at Aleutia E1 it only takes 8 watts of power and can be charged using solar power. Definitely for the out and out and about type traveler that needs a small computer that can be charged easily, combined with a sattlite phone for data and you have all that you need in a remote location.
Get your Vista Incapable Stickers today!
Those pesky little compatible stickers on all of the machines at work and your laptop can finally be removed. Coming to a install Linux Distribution PC near you, Vista Incapable stickers!
I am definitely going to to print these out and paste them all over the PC’s I own and even the ones I don’t 😀
Google using Digg style voting for searches
The popular site Digg is know all over the globe, a site that allows user submissions of articles on the web. Once "Dugg" other users can vote for the articles they like, as the amount of votes rise the articles are put onto the front page of digg. Lots of sites have followed took this idea and based the their site on specific content as well as media. Google is now providing the same type of idea, allow you to add, move or remove search results.
Auckland Security Consultant uses PS3 for Cryptography
Windows XP SP3 showing increases in performance
“The hoped-for performance fixes that Microsoft has been hinting at never materialized,” the testers reported. “Vista + SP1 is no faster” than out-of-the-box Vista, they said.