How to flash Ubiquiti Bullet M2 with OpenWRT

This article will guide you through the steps of flashing your newly purchased Ubiquiti Bullet M2 with OpenWRT. Now I am actually flashing my Bullet M2 for a second time, I set the transmit power too high and it won’t boot up. The instructions below are pretty much from a re-flashing perspective. Finding the right … Read more

Mac Tip: Create a Solid Color for Desktop Background OSX

I wanted to choose a different Solid Color for my Desktop Background on my Mac. In order to achieve this, you have to complete a couple of steps. All of the default Desktop Backgrounds for “Solid Colors” are located in “Macintosh HD/Library/Desktop Pictures/Solid Colors”. From here you can add PNG images and they wil be … Read more

Adventures in cPanel and mod_fcgid/Apache mpm_worker

I’ve started using cPanel on my main box, as well as some VPS accounts for a couple of customers. I never really enjoyed using a “Control Panel”, but ever since moving to cPanel I’ve actually enjoyed the experience. Previous to cPanel I was mostly using scripts I’ve coded in perl, which worked well. But there … Read more

Looking at Cassandra (DB) and Hiphop (Compiling PHP to Native C)

I was all over the internet one day and ran into a project called Cassandra. Which was opensourced by Facebook and is being developed by Apache committers as well as other major companies. I also dug up another Facebook related project called Hiphop, which compiles PHP into native C to boost performance. Also used … Read more

Adding APC to MediaTemple Grid Service

I have a client that wanted to start his own personal blog. He’s in the IT industry and wanted to use WordPress, he didn’t know what Shared Hosting Provider to go with. I suggested two, and I don’t like shared hosting, why? It’s either slow at time for hours or always slow, so … Read more

Ubiquiti Bullet M2 and Some Random Long Omni-Directional Antenna

So I purchased a Bullet M2 made by Ubiquiti, you can find their site at I grabbed it from which is located in Ontario, there are no places in British Columbia that I know of that carries Ubiquiti or Microtik Products. This device supports POE (YAY), but I had to get a POE inverter. … Read more

New Workspace Setup

So sitting in my room in the dark, I usually don’t get motivated. So I decided to make the hump to a 27′ monitor for my living space that was so awkward it I had no use for it. So I turned it into a workspace. So now I have my Macbook Pro, 27′ monitor … Read more